Monday, May 13, 2013

A Mother of a Week

Artichokes plucked from the sole bush we have in our yard.  Homemade yogurt attempted, again.  Third time's the charm, as they say.  Dinner consists of the first heirloom tomato of the season, plus avocado + mozzarella.  Yes, food has been on my mind this week and all the cookbook reading I've been doing has inspired me in the kitchen lately.
We ate out on the deck for the first time this week.  The mornings have been grey and foggy, but it all burns off by noon and we're left with this sprawling view of the valley floor.  The farmers have been busy haying and my sinuses want to have a chat with them about that...
State Star testing took place this week at school and G was pretty stressed about the government knowing his test results and if it would affect his ability to make the Principal's List for this trimester.  I calmed his nerves and talked it through with him.  He's such a smart, sensitive kid.  I can't get enough of him lately.

He purchased these shoes above with part of a birthday gift certificate from Target and some of his birthday cash.  He thinks he looks really cool now and I'd have to agree.  He also splurged on a few new books and frozen yogurt.  It really takes so little to make him happy. 
I packaged up some homemade granola for a few of his teachers in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week.  I love the note (above) he wrote to his music teacher, Mr. Nokes.  Out of the mouths of babes, as the saying goes.
We attended the Salmon Creek Young Artists Show, which consisted of different mediums by the 7th and 8th grade students.  I think it's so important to honor children's artwork and having a show does just that.

Grady's school hasn't had a dedicated art teacher since January and that bums me out.  We've supplemented his art lessons with a private teacher and he spends a good amount of time in his playhouse-turned-art studio working on little projects using many different mediums.  I love knowing he's out there creating art that makes him happy.
The big event of the weekend was the Chess for Kids Scholastic Chess Tournament.  It was a first for us and five students from Tomales Elementary School signed up and rose to the challenge.

The kids were playing against other kids in their same grade level, but from different schools.  There were three rounds and no parents were allowed in the gym during play.  The children slowly emerged one by one and reported out about their matches.

In the end, all participants received a medal or a trophy based on their standings.  The kids were beaming as they walked out of the double doors and looked for me.  I gave them the praise they deserved and felt such mama pride.  Oh, and we won the grand raffle prize of a portable chess set.  See?  Everyone won something!
Speaking of mama pride, Mother's Day was on Sunday.  And while I didn't sleep in, I did rise early, check email, edit a few photos and make a big pot of coffee.  My guys are not early risers and that was okay with me.  I enjoyed the quiet and calm the early morning afforded me.

I enjoyed my time alone reading and checking in on fellow mamas on instagram.  Steve ended up making a double batch of pancakes and that helps me with breakfast for the next few weeks, as I'm the parent on morning duty during the school week.

I read a stack of magazines and library cookbooks in the sunshine on my deck.  Heaven.  Grady fashioned me two homemade cards that just melted my heart.  We had a big 'ole pan of nachos for lunch and ended the day with cocktails and a mean game of Scrabble.  Steve grilled a juicy steak for us and steamed some volunteer potatoes he harvested from our compost bin earlier in the week.  We dug around in the fridge for salad fixings.  It was perfect.

I didn't win at Scrabble, but I sure did win at this mothering gig.


Maggie said...

Ahh, this place is good. I will come to visit when I need a N California fix. So glad you opened this up for me to read. Keep writing-- I dig it. xo

Natalie T. said...

I am enjoying some back reading here! :) These photos make my heart hurt for home a bit, but in the best way. Sweet reminders.


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