Last week started off with a sick little boy and a report about his bad behavior at preschool. Apparently, still not listening to his teacher (who is a Goddess in my eyes) and spitting on other kids. Real cute. We're working on consequences with Grady and taking away any of his beloved stuffed animal dogs or horses seems to do the trick...temporarily. The terrible-twos seem to have set in late, as he's been an angel from two until present. I know this is normal, but it's hard to get used to. Let the games begin.
We went to take him to see the "Bee Movie" later in the week and it was really good. He was recently stung by a yellow jacket and really afraid of "bees". He didn't know the difference and how important bees are to the world. When he left the movie he asked Steve if he would stop killing flies. Steve did not acquiesce, but I promised Grady the killing spree at our home on flies would stop with me. When you live in the country where cows and llamas surround your house, flies can be a bit of a challenge. Wish me luck. The photo to the left is of Grady posing by dead fly...

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