Well, I haven't written on this blog in over nine months! However, when I was thinking of resolutions for the new year - I figured resolving to keep up this blog on a weekly basis would be a great way to remember the year and share what's going on in our life with close friends. The format may be wacky and my grammar not always perfect, but I'm going to jot down my thoughts (mostly so that I can enjoy them later).
I was so glad to see 2008 come to an end (for many reasons). So much changed for us last year. A few of the more memorable highlights:
1. Grady turned 5 and started kindergarten;
2. We sold Gourmet au Bay & I became a stay-at-home mom;
3. I ran/walked the Nike Half Marathon w/ my good friend Patty;
4. We took a real family vacation to Portland;
5. We celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary;
6. Our good friends, Scott & Jill, purchased their first home just down the lane from us;
7. I completed 5 Adventure Boot Camps; and
8. We hosted Thanksgiving at our house & Christmas Eve dinner w/ friends.
We ended 2008 with a quiet dinner at home with just us. I love to entertain and in 2007 we did a nice prime rib dinner and then partied (a little too hard) at the Valley Ford Hotel on New Year's Eve. However, a quiet end to this last year seemed fitting. We made dinner, played a few games with Grady, watched a marathon viewing session of Mad Men and stayed up until just past midnight. It was Grady's first ringing in of the New Year by staying up until midnight. That was fueled by a major banana split earlier in the evening. All-in-all a wonderful night with my guys.
To start the year off right, I enlisted Jill & Stephanie to go to a 4-hour yoga/hike workshop in Bodega. It sounded intense, but I just knew I would be happy to start the year off this way. The weather was gorgeous and it felt great to work out and spend quality time with such like-minded women. We grabbed lunch and ate on the deck at Gourmet au Bay and toasted our accomplishment with a bottle of bubbles! After all, it was New Year's Day.
We're only a few days into the new year, but I always enjoy the opportunity to take a moment to reflect, make small resolutions and set goals for the coming year. I'm hoping this blog will help me to remember all of the wonderful moments of 2009 and beyond. Happy New Year!