Thursday, June 5, 2014

Poem :: Autopilot


i rub your back
open the shades on your bedroom window
morning, little man

i start the coffee
and crack open eggs 
for your breakfast

you shuffle to the bathroom
book in hand
hair - big and puffy

i pack your (predictable) lunch
pretzels, PB&J and apple slices
adding a note for your later amusement

your father rises
ruffles your helmet hair
banters back and forth

All of a sudden it’s time to go
and you two leave the house
and trek the seven country miles to school

fueled by coffee
it’s time to pay bills
and sign permission slips

work on our social calendar
tidy up paperwork
and send out handwritten notes

i shower
and head to the office

work, grocery shopping
thrifting, library

i hear the brakes on your school bus like clockwork at 3:34 pm
you saunter up our dirt and gravel road
hi, mom.  can i have a snack?

some days i make it for you
but lately you make it yourself and plop down to read 
tuning out the world and diving into your own

chores get done
homework comes out of your backpack
dinner gets started

your day 
is the centerpiece of 
our mealtime conversation

what did you learn today?
what are you reading?
what do you want to do this summer?

showers are preferred over baths lately
lightning fast teeth-brushing sessions
kisses and hugs goodnight

can i read? is the nightly question
sure, but lights out at 9 pm
thanks, mom

i tidy up the kitchen
put order to my desk
kiss my husband goodnight

5th grade has been such a good year
coupled with new and improved self-confidence

this is us right now
in a rhythm 
and it feels like we are all on


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