Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mademoiselle & Miscellany

Okay, I'm officially addicted to thrifting (not a word, but it means looking for treasures at thrift stores, flea markets, get the idea).  It's not only my favorite thing to do, I've recruited my son to tag along and enjoy it as well.  He spotted this sweet owl at the Goodwill in Rohnert Park and for a mere $2 it was all his.  He thought the man working there talked "fancy" because he called all of the ladies "mademoiselle" and said it with a lot of flair and attitude.  We have added to our repertoire while thrifting and it made it that much more fun.

Last weekend we had quite a heat wave in Sonoma County and it was perfect weather for drying our clothes outside on my new clothesline.  I just picked up this awesome drying rack for $5 at Jewels to Junk in Cotati and it holds a lot of clothing.  You can also spy our new garden seating area in the background of this shot.  Yes, perhaps too much information in the above photo and the guys may not be happy that their underwear is prominently displayed here, but I still think I scored a deal on the rack.

We trekked into the city last week and had a martini on the veranda at Cavallo Point.  Absolutely gorgeous.  You have an amazing view of the San Francisco Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge from their cozy little couches set outside.  It was a quick stop and then we headed to Gladstone Institutes Science For Life lecture series, with our good friend Bob Mahley (President of the Institute) presenting his life's work relating to Alzheimer's Disease.  Really fascinating lecture and such a treat to see the Mahleys in their working environment.   It always makes me smile when I walk into the "Robert W. Mahley Auditorium" at this facility and I even made Bob pose for a picture by the plaque.  He's so modest and I love making a big deal over him.  He and his bride are two of my very favorite people and doing such an important job to help treat Alzheimer's Disease, as well as AIDS/HIV and cardiovascular disease. 

After the lecture, we (P. Fata & Steve pictured above) went the House of Nanking for a lovely dinner.  I liken this place to the Soup Nazi's establishment on the Seinfeld Show.  No nonsense, quick, good food - but do not ask too many questions or expect stellar service.  You get what you get and you will like it.  I highly recommend this place.  There is usually a line up the block, but it moves quickly and it's worth the wait.  The pea shoot salad and fried rice were lovely.

Jam.  I've canned once with my friend Linda.  It turned out alright and I gave as Christmas presents, but it seemed like a lot of work to me.  Last week I bought a flat of strawberries for $5 and needed to use them quickly.  I noticed on my bread maker that there is a jam setting, so I thought I'd give it a whirl.  Well, it was easy-peasy and turned out perfect.  It's stored incognito in the pickle jar above.  I would definitely try this again when I can get bulk fruit at a good price.  If you have a bread maker, check the settings and your recipe book that they included with your machine.  Fruit, sugar, lemon juice and a little pectin and you are good to go.

I had to snap the above shot because of his love for unique and colorful socks.  He really thinks they don't need to match and I think that's just fine.  There will be plenty of time to follow the masses, but I like that he does what feels good to him.  It was his six-year exam with his doctor and he weighs 45 pounds and didn't need shots.  Banner day for G.

Steve and his office helped to raise money for Big Brothers & Big Sisters and had a bowl-a-thon last week.  Grady scored an 88 and, apparently, beat one of the owners of Coldwell Banker in Bodega Bay.  I'm not going to publish his name to protect the innocent - but you know who you are!   G has a thing for bowling shoes and we will be looking for a pair at a thrift store soon.  

This week was action-packed and full of fun.  Looking at my past posts, it seems most are that way.  This blog has been a real nice way to remember how we're filling our days and who we're sharing it with.  Hope you had a great week to remember too.

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