Friday, October 5, 2012

October :: Weather + Life

Rohnert Park Library is the library of choice these days.  It has a great children's literature section and I stocked up on lots of beautiful art books.  I think I was a librarian in a past life, as the thrill of entering a quiet library with my little guy next to me is just about one of my most favorite things to do.  I love how excited he is by his growing stack of new books.  He even wanted to hang out and do homework at one of the workstations after school.
The weather has been a bit schizophrenic lately.  I bundled up last week with scarves and closed-toe shoes, only to welcome a few days in the high 90's, tank top & flip flops.
I also have a big love of for the P.O.  Great Grandma Lavinia sent one of her special little packages to the boy this week.  Inside was a Grow Snake that you soak in water for 72-96 hours.  He was thrilled.
G is up to 320 books read for the year.  This week he was assigned to do a book report and he quickly dug into a The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan.  He had previously attempted this book, but was sidetracked.  He started it on Monday and was finished by Thursday.  This boy can read.
We have dabbled in the art studio, but haven't been inspired on that front.  I ordered a dozen blank kraft notebooks and we played around with screen printing ink and letterpress blocks.  They turned out cute and we will most likely do another batch for holiday gift giving.
The leaves are changing, the skies put on a show every day and autumn is most definitely here.
The boys helped paint signs for the upcoming parcel tax measure and Steve created a website for this measure.  We have immersed ourselves in community and our amazing small school.  It feels good.
What can I say about the above photos?  Grady scored this sweet Commander Fox ensemble at the local thrift store and bought it for a song.  He wore it most of the weekend and could not stop looking at himself in the mirror.  I normally do not go for this kind of store-bought costume but, as always, made an exception because it was second hand.  He is thrilled and that makes me thrilled, too.
We painted a few signs to inspire our powerful friends!
Our amazing goddaughter, Isabella (age 10!) rode in the GranFondo last weekend with her mother.  She completed the 67 mile Medio Route in 6.5 hours and met the Olympic Gold Medalist, Kristin Armstrong.  She was inspired and inspiring!  Grady wants to do the 30 mile Piccolo Route next year with Steve.  I hope they do it.
Fog rolling out & Spectacled Owl drawing for Linda Mahley's 70th birthday
I am still in awe of the beauty of where we live.  The skies have been so many things lately - cloudy, blue and low hanging fog moving in and out.  The bird life around here has been so active.  The hawks, owls, finches, hummingbirds, egrets & kites are busy preparing for winter.  I love when Grady grabs one of his bird reference books and draws his favorite bird of the day.
Weekend fun with Johnny, Doran Beach & pre-dinner nibbles at S&J's
We watched our friends' dog, Johnnie, again last weekend and G was kind of over it.  Initially, he had been quite smitten, but not so much this time.

It was so hot here on Sunday that we called a friend in Bodega Bay and met her at the pool.  We need to soak up as much sunshine & pool time as we can because these type of days are numbered.
The Cindy Sherman exhibit at SF MOMA did not disappoint.  She is a trip and I'm glad I read a book about her work and process before seeing the show.  All of her photos are untitled and she is the model, make-up artist, stylist & photographer.  She is a one-woman show and some of her work was confusing, gross & interesting.
Homemade placecards + One gutted salmon
Steve scored us a half of a fresh salmon this week.  It was so delicious.  We had Maria & Michael over for an impromptu dinner this week and we enjoyed the salmon and utilized my expanding stash of gifted heirloom tomatoes.

The guys made salmon cakes a few nights later and G ate two and tried wasabi & horseradish dipping sauces.  I know this seems trivial, but it was a major food victory for Steve and myself.  Grady is growing up and changing so much every week.

With the shift in the season, we also saw a shift in our son.  There were many hurt feelings and tears.  Steve talked Grady down from the 9-year old emotional cliff that he was on and I think we are all the better for it.  Sometimes you just need a good cry and to be heard, right?  I know I do!  He's such an amazing little man and I'm so proud to be his mama.

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