Thursday, June 27, 2013

Vacation :: Southern California

The most awesome car traveler in the world
This trip was centered around taking our son to Legoland and seeing my nephew, who was home on leave from the U.S. Coast Guard.  We spent almost a week in Oceanside at Steve's Dad's house.
Steve's hair is something else in the morning!
Christiansen boys and their new dog, Holly
We also threw in an evening visit to my bestie and her family in Orange on our way into town.  Lots of laughing and boy bonding happened.
Legoland Water Park
I had been dreading the trip to Legoland.  I'm such a killjoy, right?  I'm not a monster, it's just that I don't handle big crowds, traffic and blatant consumerism being pushed on me and my kid very well.  I just don't.  I make very conscious efforts to live in a way that helps me avoid all that, so it's hard to let go of all that for me.
Before the trip, I read two blog posts here and here that helped me readjust my inner-cynic.  I decided to let go of my pre-conceived notions and try to enjoy the fact that my son was soaking up all the fun and new adventures around every corner for the day.  Six hours to be exact.  Could I do it?  You betcha.

It also helped that I have the most laid back best friend on the planet.  I followed her lead and thoroughly enjoyed our day at Legoland (I never thought I'd type those words!).
Oceanside Pier
All the fun and shenanigans from the day before completely wiped out my little guy.  We all slept in and started the day slowly.  A trip to the Pacific Ocean was in order and quick game of frisbee and bodysurfing happened near the Oceanside Pier.
We also popped by the Mission San Luis Rey Church & Museum in Oceanside.  This was the 18th Mission built in California, as well as being the largest.  Grady purchased and lit a candle in honor of Molly, his dog that passed away over two years ago, and toured the recently restored church, museum and gardens.
Next up, we hit the California Surf Museum in Oceanside.  It was intimate, casual and packed with beautiful surfboards.  I joked that it had the most laid back dress code of any museum that I've ever been to.  This flip-flop wearing family liked that component.
Hopscotch lesson
Tree reflection
Sidewalk Art
Another nap for the boy
We ended the day with a BBQ with MacGyver (that's what we call Steve's dad).  We ate appetizers for hours on end and ended the day with a game of hopscotch and a Dodgers vs. Padres game on the tellie.  My husband is such a good sport about the no cable t.v. thing we got going on here at home, but he sure does miss watching his sports teams.  He listened on the radio and watched on the tellie as much as he could on this trip.
Legoland Redux
Because I'm Krazy with a capital "K", I convinced my husband to go back to Legoland on Friday.  Say what?  Yeah, I loved it so much that I wanted to take him back and let Grady show him all of his favorite parts of the park.  Our entrance fee covered free re-admittance within nine days, so we went for it.  G was so excited to show his dad around and take him on the scariest roller roaster!  They floated on the manmade river in the waterpark and hit the watersides, too.  We only stayed about three hours, but it put a nice punctuation mark on our trip.  Legoland, over and out.
Our last night was spent with Steve's brother's family up in Alta Loma, which is the town where I spent my childhood years.  Our visit was brief, but it was nice to reconnect, give hugs and hear about the goings-on in their lives.  Trevor loves his job with the U.S. Coast Guard and Kerrigan is headed to Texas next week for the Junior Olympics in Volleyball.
Our goal on the drive home was to visit Mission San Luis Obispo de Toloso, the 5th Mission built in California and Grady's 4th grade project.
He spouted out facts that he knew, pointed out the differences between the real building and his model and stretched his legs from the long car ride.
And then we came Home.

A Super Moon, a clean house, clean sheets and three hens that were still alive and well.

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