I love birthdays. I just do. I love spoiling someone with love, affection, attention, presents, sweets, kind words, nice gestures, special treats and just having a reason to celebrate. I guess I love the ritual of it and the way it makes you reflect on your life (or the life of someone else). I seem to be falling into a lovely set of rituals on my birthday. Steve usually cooks for me all day long, the guys make me dessert, Linda Lou makes me a yearly birthday cake to die for, my mom reminds me of how young she was when she had me and how long her labor was...you get the idea. This year I went kayaking on the bay in Bodega Bay and it was absolutely delightful. Slight wind, good workout, alone time with my man, punctuated with a finale of wine and lunch on the deck at
Gourmet au Bay with a few friends. I can't wait to do it all over again next year.

I think I like birthdays better than Christmas, Thanksgiving and Valentine's Day combined. Next year is the big Four-Oh and I want to do something really decadent. I have 365 days left to plan that shin-dig.

I also really like to celebrate my birthday for a month. What girl doesn't? So we went to
Nick's Cove in Marshall, CA to soak up my last days of being 38. They make a great martini and have an amazing dock to mosey down and take in the view. The only downside is the walk all the way back to order another martini and the taxidermy on the walls, as shown above.

The best present I received for my birthday was three eggs from my hens. I was so
frickin' excited when I saw them in the box. They are approximately five months old and I knew they would be laying any day now, but it was so lovely to see that after all of the nurturing, feeding, housing, safekeeping and time we have put into these crazy dames - they finally laid the coveted eggs that I longed for. We scrambled them up the next morning and they were the best I'd ever had. Okay, am I going over the top? You get the idea. I'm pleased as punch.

This picture cracks me up. We receive this publication from one of Steve's family members (as her family owns the magazine). G reads/looks at it from cover-to-cover and cuts out pictures of cows that he finds interesting. And believe me, there are a lot of "interesting" things in this magazine. The postmistress in town asked me if we were raising cattle. Nope. Not a chance. Mark my words.
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