Monday, April 26, 2010

Vintage Love

Before:  $3 Harmony House Dresser from the 1960's - missing middle drawer.
After:  $70 worth of supplies is what it took to rehab this dresser, along with my husband's elbow grease.  Sanding, staining, sanding some more, waxing and creating custom screen covers for the lower drawers took him a few weeks of late-night stints in his shop.
The bottom "drawers" are actually just screened covers that hide the components.  Pretty awesome, huh?  He also tacked up all of the wires to the back of this unit, so that they don't show.  I absolutely love it.  Now the hunt continues for a large sideboard for the kitchen...
Another little bit of vintage goodness was the present Steve recently gave Grady for his seventh birthday.  He has been saving this present since Grady was born and knew he would be ready for it when he turned the ripe old age of seven.  Perfect timing (no pun intended!).  The Mickey Mouse watch from Steve's childhood was thoughtfully given to our son on his seventh birthday, along with a typed up history of the watch and the significance of it to my husband.  Grady was delighted and they shared a big smack-a-roo and sweet hug to seal this father-son deal.

Old is new in our house this week.  Thanks husband.


The Hip Homemaker said...

The dresser looks amazing! Still can't believe it was $3.

Amy said...

Sweet, Happy Birthday Grady!


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