Friday, October 15, 2010

Jogathon Stylings

Well, it's that time of year again.  Fundraising for the school is in full swing with the annual Jogathon and G hit the pavement in earnest this year.  I felt it was important for him to personally ask people to sponsor him, give the reasons as to how and why the funds would be used and log it in on the sign-in sheet.  You know, really own what he was doing for his class/school.  I assisted by driving him around, but he had his clipboard & special pen at the ready and gave his speech to more than a dozen people.  He even made a few phone calls and received a donation via word-of-mouth from a friend's parents.

I went thrifting for his outfit because, of course, he needed running shorts.  Oh, and a muscle t-shirt.  He also was given a sparkly green hair band that he was convinced was a sweatband and used it as such to keep the sweat out of his eyes.  He slept in the above outfit (minus the headband) the night before the big day and added a sweet cuff that I had sewn him earlier in the year.  Ta-dah! The look is complete.  Priceless.

He completed 21 laps (that equaled 1/8 of a mile each) in 30 minutes.  He was beaming when he got home and promptly set about collecting from his benefactors.  Approximately $350 was raised by him for his classroom this school year for field trips, reading books, art supplies and other items as the need arises.

I'm thinking the community fundraising bug must run in our family.  It feels so good to make a difference and I'm so glad that he took full responsibility for this one.  It's nice to see the lessons we try to impart on him finally sinking in and taking shape.  Community, involvement, support, giving, caring, receiving.  It's so very gratifying to watch and be part of his growth as a young man.  Come to think of it, this mama is beaming too.

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