Monday, August 1, 2011

Monday :: Link Love List

Today marks the three year anniversary of selling our former business, Gourmet au Bay, to Bob & Sissy Blanchard.  Check out their website, personalized wine club or pop by to learn what wine surfing is.

The shop has morphed into a wonderful gathering spot for locals throughout the years and we feel really fortunate to have found two people who were meant to run this business and fit right in.  We wish you many years of success on the beautiful Sonoma Coast.


Here's a few links that I've been loving this past week:

swooning...over this graphic design fundraising idea for next year

liking...the idea of these patterned wall tiles, instead of traditional wallpaper

thinking...I might need just one more clipboard to add to my collection

enjoying...this new blog I stumbled upon over the weekend

adding...a few of these books to my summer reading list I was on vacation last week while staying at a friend's beach house in Bodega Bay (a short seven mile drive from my house)

realizing...that blackberry picking season is finally here and that means jam, crisps and more jam!

Happy Monday.

1 comment:

The Hip Homemaker said...

That list of books sounds fabulous. So refreshing to find books that aren't the same ones that everybody is ready. I am going to have to see which ones can be found at the local library. Thanks for sharing!


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