January 2008 - where did this month go? I always look forward to January because it's a great time to catch up. Scott & Kacy spent the last week of December with us and we rung in the new year together. The kids had a blast and we did a lot of laughing, as usual. They headed home and a big storm headed our way. Most of the coast was without power for about four days, however, we had power in Valley Ford. We hosted many of our friends for dinner, lunch, coffee until the power came back on late Saturday night/Sunday morning.
When the power returned, I spent the first Sunday afternoon of the new year with Hugh Flournoy. Hugh was a dear friend of mine and long-time customer. We did our usual banter and mild flirting, discussed who he was going to vote for in the coming election, his kids and grandkids, his service in the Korean War and his aversion to seat belts. He was chartering a private plane to spend the afternoon with his dear friends, Betty Lou & Roger, in San Diego. He was nervous about the plane flight due to the turbulent weather and storms we'd been having. His caregiver Nelson was going with him. We said out goodbyes and I teased him that he better wear his seat belt on the plane. Houston Flournoy passed away after his lunch with his friends on the flight back to Santa Rosa on January 7, 2008. He will be forever in my thoughts and memories.
Steve had his 44th birthday, which always gets overshadowed because of Christmas, New Year's etc. We're usually on burn-out mode after the New Year and we spent a quiet night with Bert & Steph at Bistro de Copain in Occidental. Jill D. had her 40th birthday celebration at our house. Steve went to Reno with David Silpa and weathered a pretty big snow storm. Kacy & Alex flew down and met me in San Francisco for the gift show and a little fun. January also held another trip to Glass Beach to meet the Rangels for an afternoon of seaglass gathering!
February 2008 - Superbowl. Willie Nelson concert. Mammogram....God I'm getting old. Amgen Bike Tour through Bodega Bay. Bluebellies at Valley Ford Hotel. Well, February was another action-packed month. I kept Grady home from preschool a little more this month, so that we could spend more time together. We went to the Exploratorium in San Francisco and he LOVED it. There was a very sweet Valentine's Day party at his preschool and they had a Chinese new year's celebration. We're getting ready to check out kindergartens next month and it makes me more than a little sad. He's such a well-adjusted, happy, imaginative little boy and he's more than ready for kindergarten. We entertained on Sundays this month with friends we haven't seen for some time and it feels good to catch up.
The pastures around us are just gorgeous. I took Roblar Road the other day and told Grady it was a "short cut" to Cotati. He said it felt more like a "long cut". Out of the mouths of babes. The mustard is blooming everywhere and there is a sea of yellow as far as you can see from our house. The daffodils are in full bloom and I'm toying with the idea of trying a test garden in our backyard. I'm not a green thumb, so we'll see how it goes.
I'll work harder on updating this every Sunday night. Mainly, this is just a way for me to keep track of where all the time goes with Grady and our family. I hope others enjoy the updates and get a glimpse into our lives. Below is a small video of Grady's interpretation of Valentine's Day...
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