Friday, March 21, 2008

San Francisco, Mom's Birthday, Beach & Grady's Teacher

Well, what a week! We attended the Chambers & Chambers wine event at the Presidio in San Francisco on Monday. I've never attended, but it is a beautiful, elegant and amazing winery participation event. We joined Shona & Brandon from the Valley Ford Hotel and Bert Rangel from the River's End. We ended up dining at Le Colonial for a wonderful vietnamese feast. I always forget how much fun I have in San Francisco. It's only an hour away, but so many varied things to do and see.

It was a pretty quiet week. I took Grady to the beach to look for beach glass and "dinosaur bones". We have the best time at the beach. We build dams, look for shells and glass, meet lots of random dogs. Grady pretends he's a K-9 companion dog and has me whistle for him. I like to indulge him, obviously.

I had a great tasting at the wine bar this week with Mick Unti. He's one of my favorite winery owners and always has such delicious, rhone varietals to try....and he's really cute. No harm in that, right? To commemorate the end of my boot camp (one month of intense, early morning workouts), I joined Patty at the Valley Ford Hotel and had a great dinner. Living out here feels so good due to the friends and relationships we've created over the last six years. At times, it can feel too small - but most of the time it feels like home. There's no place like home, as Dorothy would say. Scott and Jill are moving forward on buying the house down the street from us and I'm just crossing my fingers that all goes well for them and it closes on time.

My mom's birthday was on Saturday and I actually took the day off. I made her breakfast and we lunched at River's End with Grady and her husband. The views were amazing that day. It was really windy, but the ocean looked 5 different shades of blue/green. We're so glad that she's here to share in Grady's life and hope that it has improved her quality of life as well. She used to live in Phoenix and has been here almost two years. Grady calls her "Gigi" and they are partners in crime every Saturday together.

On Sunday we went to the beach again for a negative low tide with the Matthews' family. We found lots of glass and ran into lots of people we knew. Again, really windy - but great to spend time with friends and picnic at our local beach. People wonder why I never want to leave town....I never have to because there's so much to do and enjoy here. Seriously, I'm not trying to sound like a Hallmark greeting card but I LOVE it here and never want to leave.

Sunday afternoon we entertained Grady's teacher, Stacy, and her husband, Wylie. We had a lovely afternoon and tried to cook using local ingredients and drinking local wines (and, eventually, whiskey). We ended the night with a serenade by Wylie (from the band Stiff Dead Cat) with a little song about dogs for Grady. It was a magical evening and Grady told me he "loved" Stacy, but that he still had enough "love" for me too. That's good to know.

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