Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday :: Link List

I wake up early and shuffle over to my desk first thing every morning.  I read my favorite blogs and surf the net for 10 minutes or so before waking the boy.  It's my morning ritual.

In doing the above, I read a lot of blogs that document life in the form of lists.  I get great inspiration from this lady.  I'm a girl that just loves a list and the satisfaction of marking things off is half the fun.  I guess it's the Virgo in me.  I thought I'd try it out myself and will do my best to document a few things that are striking my fancy or that are happening in my life right now and post on Mondays as a nice way to start my week.  Here we go...

sipping... a cup of Taylor Maid Farms Holiday Blend No. 10

cooking... a roasted chicken for tonight from The Art of Simple Food by Alice Waters

reading... Moloka'i by Alan Brennert for February book club

learning... continuing my photography e-course class here

making... plans for an indoor herb garden like this one

watching... just finished the first season of Glee and couldn't have loved it more

feeling... like my reset button was pushed on January 1st

enjoying... my newly created running playlist on my iPod

wanting... this camera strap

loving... this freakishly warm January weather here on the coast

Happy Monday.

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