I thought I'd jot down some numbers that are in my life right now and hopefully shift this freaky level of numerology in my favor. Here is my feeble attempt:
Two : 2
I've been enjoying afternoon tea with Grady this past week. It's been really cold here, with temperatures in the low 30's most mornings. We have a lot of windows in our house and the cold creeps in, especially in the late afternoon and early evenings. It's been a lovely ritual to make a pot of tea and enjoy it with my little man. So very civilized this tea for two business.
Six : 6
We will be adding six new chicks to our flock this Spring. The three surviving hens are doing well. One is molting and looks sad with hardly any feathers and lots of pin-feathers sticking out. They have stopped laying eggs over the last few weeks, but hopefully they will resume laying with the increase of daylight hours in the coming weeks. Oh, how I miss those rich, orange yolks.
Thirty-One : 31
We attended 31 social events in exactly 31 days during the month of December. Some days we did nothing and others were booked solid. I made an effort to pare down our social calendar and it still is laughable when I look at all we did. The Virgo in me just had to tally up the goings-ons and justify why I feel so spent. We must rest this month!
Seven : 7
My little boy is seven and holding. He will turn eight this year, but that just doesn't seem possible. I've definitely seen a change in attitude and independence over this last year. He's not so much a little boy anymore and that makes me a wee bit sad. I'm trying to get all the kisses on his cheeks that he will allow, afternoon reading sessions and naps on my bed. Pretty soon he will start wanting his own space and less affection (or so I hear) and I'm trying to soak it all in while I can. This will be hard for me to watch, but I just know the next phase will unearth more about this fascinating little boy. I feel lucky to have him and have the time to spend with him during his formative years.
Forty-two : 42
I signed up on Goodreads.com last year to document books I've read or want to read. I went through and it looks like I read 42 books in 2010. See what getting rid of cable can do for a girl? My book club is almost five years old and we are morphing into such a solid group of readers, as well as fantastical hostesses. I feel honored to spend time with this group of women and share opinions (and much laughter) over wine and delicious food. Thanks ladies.Fourteen : 14
Well, we went through 14 bottles of J Sparkling Wine in six days while my BFF and her family were here the week after xmas. Is it just me or does that seem low? We had a full week of food, games, movies and lounging. However, I think the true bottle count for the month is somewhere in the high twenties...but who is counting?
Eleven : 11
So I've already shared my issues with the number 11, so I'm a wee bit concerned about it being an omen for this coming calendar year. I have decided to make 11 resolutions and hope for the best. Perhaps I can kick this 11-letter habit and find a new freaky thing to entertain my husband with.
Ten : 10
This year will be our 10th wedding anniversary. We were married at the oh-so-tacky Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo ten years ago in October. We have threatened to return to the scene of the crime and have a big blow out party on our 10th anniversary. We'll see how the year shapes up in terms of commitments, but I think it would be a shame to miss the opportunity to dress up, drink, dance and perhaps break another table at the Madonna Inn (um, I broke a table on my wedding night by dancing on it - whoops! Doesn't everyone do that?).
Forty : 40
I turned 40 last September. I celebrated with multiple parties and a trip to Paris with my husband. We followed that up with Thanksgiving down in Southern California and then a full month of fun in December here on the home front. I can't wait to continue to live life to the fullest this year. I have so many things I want to do, read, see, experience, learn and enjoy. I'm grateful for the life lessons I've learned so far and can't wait to see what's around the bend.
Five : 5
This year I will be stepping down as Head Firecracker on behalf of the Bodega Bay Area Chamber of Commerce. I sure have enjoyed fundraising for this yearly event, but feel it's time to pass the baton back to the newly reorganized BBACC. I am honored that the people of the community entrusted me with their generous donations and hope the show continues to bring the small village together for this amazing display over our beautiful bay.
One : 1
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?- Mary Oliver
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