Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday :: Link Love List

planning...on making these homemade cheater donuts for an upcoming coffee clutch

mildly...intrigued by this Swiss-Army-like bed for our postage-stamp-sized master bedroom the new iPhone 4 with Verizon (whether I wanted to or not!)

coveting...this new, lovely, artful iPhone case by Nikki McClure to house it in

digging...trenches to alleviate water encroachment on our house/garage during the storm

enjoying...the school closure last Thursday due to the pummeling rains and wind

discovering...the most needed office supply for my desk

scouring...the internet and local appliance stores for my 18" wide dream dishwasher

learning...our friend's dear mother has just released a new five-year garden journal now available at your local, independent bookstore

reading...this rare interview with the nature-loving poet, Mary Oliver

gathering...inspiration to make these herbal infusions for cocktail hour(s) this spring

loving...this creative bling and this one too!

trying...a totally raw, vegan meal last weekend with friends

looking...forward to dryer weather this week (70 degrees tomorrow...crossing my fingers!)

Happy Monday!  Please feel free to comment on what you're loving this week in the comment section.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Loving some cute bookmarks that make me the envy of other readers on the bus :) Thank you!

Look forward to seeing you this summer!


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