Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday :: Link Love List

You're Simply Radishing by lizgrandmaison on etsy
We're staying at our friends' beach house this week in Bodega Bay and Grady is attending a golf and tennis camp that starts at the ungodly hour of 7:30 am.  Now, that may not seem early to some - but rousing an eight year old boy on a July summer morning is not the easiest of tasks.  I can assure you.  So, our dear friends said we could use their home and along with the amazing views and oh, so comfortable bed, we have fast internet connection!  It's the little things in this digital age, right?  Our connection is so slooooow at home and I can't peruse image-rich websites or be on Facebook for too long, but this week is my staycation in Bodega Bay and I will be perusing design websites, gathering inspiration and bookmarking sites to my heart's content while Grady is at camp.

Here are a few links I'd like to share from the past week:

planning...on using this template to make homemade stationary from my stash of pretty papers

stumbling...upon this amazing vintage Vera Neumann shop on etsy

loving...this fresh roasted corn with manchego & lime (eat warm & don't forget to finish with lime zest - like I did!)

finishing...up the novel The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint by Brady Udall.  What. A. Journey.

planning...on buying some of this film for the vintage Polaroid Land Camera I picked up a few months ago while thrifting husband's handy-dandy local resource list for homeowners and renters on the Sonoma Coast kill one of my hens if she doesn't stay out of my rehabilitated fern fronds and baby carrot seedlings.  She has found a new hiding spot behind the BBQ and I feel like she's kind of asking for it...

thinking...this would make a perfect wedding gift

enjoying...the weekend under my own roof laughing, cooking, and catching up with my childhood best friend and her girls (and her mom, too!) son perfect his belly-flop on the final day of swimming lessons at the Bodega Harbour pool

realizing...that yes, I can grow chard! and then realizing that hey, maybe not so much chard next year?

overhearing...Grady tell anyone who will listen that he is a birder and then explaining what that is - just in case they didn't already know

wanting...longer days, warmer nights and a better memory!

Happy Monday.

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