nuggets :: little bits of the season in photos and words about the last week, as inspired by dig
It's 10 o'clock in the evening on Wednesday and I have yet to post my mid-week nuggets. It took me most of the day to find a place with high speed internet and the ability to download all of these images, use the collage feature and shrink the size(s) using
Picnik. I get so frustrated with our limited internet access and my own very limited technology know how. I'm also low on inspiration and words, so I'll let the pictures tell most of the story of our last week.
We helped clean up North Salmon Creek Beach on behalf of the
Surfrider Foundation's sponsored beach clean up over the weekend. I was gifted a heart-shaped rock and we spotted wild, purple irises growing along the bluffs.
I've been a multi-media whore lately. I can't get enough of watching DVD's (Napolean Dynamite, a fabulous documentary on Formula One driver,
Ayrton Senna and Dolphin Tale), listening to podcasts and books on CD and I've been reading book after book (magazines & cookbooks, too!). It's like I can't get enough lately. Oh, and I can't forget Facebook,
Pinterest and my blog reading habit. Even though we cancelled our cable, media is ever-present in our home. I'm not delusional and I'm owning up to it. I'm kind of insatiable right now and must get out in the garden soon to slow myself down and disconnect from my electronic devices. Reconnect. Must. Go. Outside.
G's favorite iPod selection |
In between all the reading, listening & DVD watching, I witnessed the guys bond over chess, March Madness, a new indoor soccer league and math homework. It's been a good week for the father and son duo.
Spanish Doubloon & The Hawaiian Chieftan |
Lady Washington and Hawaiian Chieftan are here to help celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Russians arriving in Bodega Bay. You can read more about it
This is a big deal for Bodega Bay. The local businesses and residents are feeling the excitement, too. I will be writing more about the events leading up to our
39th annual Fisherman's Festival later this month. The Tall Ships arriving just kicked it off!
This graffiti art was begging for its photo to be taken. The boy? Not so much. These walls decorate the local surf shop in downtown Sebastopol.
We had a frozen yogurt date with the Rangel girls and what a nice after-school treat that was. We received a master sheet for a new secret language and I'm more than a little perplexed at drafting my first correspondence using same. I'll give it my best shot. We also cruised the aisles of the local bookstore and made lists of books we all needed, of course. It was a brief visit, but lit up my week like a beacon. All three of our kids together, for any length of time, lifts my spirits and I leave lighter and smiling.
Of course, we had to do the requisite jumping shots at the beach. I love how he plays along for his dear old mom.
Like I just said...he plays along. I can't believe he took that green camouflage skull cap off. He has been living in that thing as of late, but I think I prefer it to this pirate get-up. It's just not his style and he's all about his own style.
In honor of
National Poetry Month, here is a poem about the beloved hat that was recently penned by the boy:
I'm wearing a fuzzy hat,
to keep my head warm.
I'm wearing a fuzzy hat,
green as dead grass.
I'm wearing a fuzzy hat,
to keep my head warm.
GSH, age 8 and 11/12ths
I'm low on words tonight, but really full when it comes to what's making me happy lately. Reaffirmed friendships, interesting books, new recipes and experiences, summer plans and a busy month ahead of us full of road trips, art shows, birthday parties, musical performances and a visit from my mom.
I'm going to take it one day at a time and try to stay in the moment and soak up all the goodness that is coming our way.
Today marks the anniversary of my first date with Steve 14 years ago. I'm so glad he made the trip down to Long Beach to attend the Grand Prix and start a game of checkers that we have yet to finish. How random was that date? Just random enough to start all of this. I love you, SL.
Happy, happy.