Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Flashback: 10.06.01

Married for eight years? Whoa. I know. Big deal, huh? Well, it is a big deal to me. I love anniversaries (almost as much as I love birthdays). So, here's what I don't want to forget...

Picnic at Schoolhouse Beach
:: Sharing a bottle of beautiful 2006 Flowers Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir
:: Watching the sun dip into the ocean
What a wonderful way to spend our eighth wedding anniversary. We spent our first anniversary here on this very beach, sharing a bottle of champagne and watching the sun fade into the ocean. I had just found out I was pregnant (so the champagne was just sipped by me) and we were looking forward to our lives here on the Sonoma Coast. It all seems so long ago.

On our honeymoon (three weeks post 9-11), we decided to quit our jobs, sell our home in San Jose, put most of our belongings in storage and buy a wine shop and live in the apartment underneath it. Bodega Bay would be our home. The townspeople would become our extended family. We would get involved in all sorts of community service work. We would make lifelong friends. We would have this wonderful baby boy and he would receive so much love from everyone he met. We would change our ways. We surely would. We would see the world differently - as a married couple; as new parents; as wanna-be environmentalists; and, as citizens in this small town that we sought out and came to be fully immersed in.

As we sat on the beach watching our son play with every single dog that he encountered and chat it up with each and every person he met, I was comforted in the choices we made eight years ago - to each other, to our soon-to-be community and, ultimately, to our amazing, gregarious, friendly, nature-lovin' child.

Happy Anniversary SL.

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