Saturday, October 3, 2009

Testing, Testing: 1, 2, 3

We got a new camera and I've been experimenting a bit with it. I had been using a handy-dandy point and shoot digital camera (that I keep in my purse and because it's so lightweight, I use it a bunch) and it has served me well for years. However, when my man decided to invest in a new camera - I was not really on the bandwagon. Let me qualify that: I was not excited about spending the extra money on an unnecessary, large ticket item. Well, that all changed once I saw the quality of images that were coming out of that thang! I'm still messing around with it, but it has been really cool to have and if it will help to capture our lives in a more authentic manner, then I guess I have to get behind it.

I captured the above images while I was waiting for guests to arrive a few weeks ago. I can like it.

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