Friday, October 30, 2009

Shaggy vs. Atticus

This Shaggy the Dog costume was gifted to us from our naybo, Jill D.  She delivered it many, many months prior and it lived hidden in my closet (for fear of daily nagging to wear it to school, the movies, the grocery store, dinner, the beach, etc.).  Finally, the time had come to unveil the thrifted score and show it to G.  My dog-obsessed kid was elated and wanted to wear it for his school parade, naturally.  However, he didn't factor the squelching heat of the October day into the equation and he quickly lost his staying power.  The dog costume over-heated him and he was down for the count, as you can see above.
As night fell, he decided to go with the other costume he had that was also a gift from a friend (how well do my friends know him?) and he was a horse, of course.  This costume fit perfectly and was already  broken in from many attended festivals and photography sessions in our yard.  Plus, it was a lot cooler to wear in the evening.  He had his fortune read at the Jenner Community Halloween-Day of the Dead Party, participated in a costume contest, received copious amounts of candy from our four neighboring homes and was content to go home early from the festivities all doped up from the sugar-buzz inflicted at the par-tay.

It's tiring being a dog AND a horse in one day.  It just is.

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