Sunday, November 1, 2009

Daylight Savings = Beach Day

Well, the beach called us out on Sunday, the first day of November.  After sleeping in and catching that "extra hour" of sleep due to Daylight Savings Time, something was missing.  We went for a hike behind our house to look for mushrooms.  No mushrooms.  We tried to do chores, but when I happened to look at my handy-dandy tide book - well, I knew exactly what we would be doing the rest of the day.  I lobbed a phone call in to my girlfriend in Jenner to see if she was thinking what I was thinking and, of course, she was.  We had all of the ingredients:  Indian Summer weather, low-tide in the late afternoon and kidlets that needed to run, roll, jump, collect, laugh and show us the way to Secret Beach.

The kids explored driftwood huts, gathered smooth rocks and sea glass, a sole of a rubber shoe (which is still in our possession) and lots of seaweed for over-the-head spinning.

We were only there for about an hour, but it was the best hour of my week.

Here are the treasures we brought home to remind us of our indelible afternoon on Secret Beach.

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