Friday, August 14, 2009

Summer: Day #63

Tonight was the preschool graduation from Pastures Preschool in Bodega. Always a memorable event and filled with community spirit. Parent contributions for the potluck were a gigantic pan of paella that fed the entire crowd, Stag's Leap Wines, homemade lemonade, desserts, etc. The children were showered with flower petals as they received their "buckets" from Stacy (a rite of passage at the school - the bucket is filled with their school supplies they used during the 4-year old program). So sweet and special. Lanterns hung from tree branches, as did children. Madonna & Prince thumped from the sound system.

As we were leaving the event, I asked Grady what his favorite part of the afternoon was and he said "All of it". That's how I felt too.

1 comment:

The Hip Homemaker said...

It sounds like a fabulous party. I have loved seeing all of the pictures this summer.


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