I love Sundays. There is a definite feeling to a Sunday, right? It's always been there and I have never quite put my finger on it. As a child who did not attend Sunday services, there was a different kind of church going on in my household. Light chores, dinner cooking on the stove a little earlier in the day, finishing up a project or homework before night fell and the Sunday evening bath rituals began. Safety. Comfort. Love.
Over the years, I have worked a fair amount of Sundays and the feeling has not gone away. My circumstances changed and work prevailed, but the beauty of a Sunday still remained.
Now that I'm home on Sundays with Grady, I realize that my new Sunday pattern has emerged and is slowly galvanizing. The brewing of coffee, slowly making breakfast, doing a little laundry, perusing cookbooks, making to-do lists for the week, planning meals, catching up on my magazine pile and trying to create just one thing.
I am going to post a few pictures of my weekly creations here, so that I can remember and remind Grady of our Sunday Fun Days (okay, lame I know - but my kid loves a good rhyme).
I didn't want to go out into the world today, so I decided to look up a play-dough recipe online and make a batch or two for G to play with. We ended up borrowing cream of tartar from a neighbor (
what is cream of tartar used for anyway?) and then the fun began. Measuring, stirring, adding color and kneading were the chores for today.
Voila! Our very own play-dough! So great and so very easy-peasy.
Here is the recipe I used from my new favorite website www.ehow.com:
Things You'll Need:
- 1 cup of water
- 1 Tablespoon vegetable oil
- 1/2 cup salt
- 1 Tablespoon cream of tartar
- Food coloring
- Medium size saucepan
- 1 cup flour
- Container for storage (I used pint size yogurt containers)
Combine all ingredients (except flour) and simmer on stovetop. Remove from heat, add flour and work together with hands once it cools. That's it.
I'm going to invest in new food coloring gels to try and make really deep, colorful, play dough. I think this would be a fantastic birthday gift for a little one, along with the recipe so the family could make more. This project kept G engaged for hours and hours today. I highly recommend you try this on your Sunday Funday.