Thursday, March 4, 2010

Digging in the Garden

Today was gorgeous.  It was warm, blue skies and I had many weeds looking to meet their maker.  My garden can be overwhelming at times and I have made a promise to myself to garden at least 15 minutes every day, more if I get the urge.  I figured I would take a lesson from my neighbor and approach my yard with a zen-like mindset.  A little each day will add up to a weed-free radius in the garden.  This has proved effective, as I've cleared two garden beds, amended the soil and filled up an entire green bin with my weed casualties.  There is such a satisfying feeling of pulling a humongous, thorny weed out by its entire root.  Victory in the garden.

In planning this year's garden, we made a preliminary list of things we'd like to eat and that we think we can grow.  Strawberries (and lots of them), carrots, lettuce, tomatoes and potatoes.  We planted garlic a few weeks ago and we'll cross our fingers that I wasn't too late on getting it in the ground.  I'm also going to plant an herb garden of thyme, oregano, chives, sage and basil.  I use those herbs so regularly and it is such a treat to chop them up and throw in a salad or over scrambled eggs.

My March melancholy is subsiding and working in the garden has proved to be a quiet meditation.  The month has a long list of to-do projects outside the house and I can't wait to see what we can produce this year.  Such promise.

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