Monday, May 26, 2014

Exhale by Annie Flavin :: Take Two

I decided to re-do the artwork for Exhale.  I wasn't comfortable with my last design because it looked too much like a carving that artist, Jen Hewett, shared on her blog a few weeks ago.  I wanted to make my own, original artwork for Annie's beautiful words.

I used grey card stock and white acrylic screen printer's ink.

I typed this up on an IBM Wheelwriter 5 typewriter.

I centered the poem and tweaked the spacing a little bit.

I used a large Speedball Speedy Cut carving block.

I carved the large oblong circle to represent the place from which he grew.

I carved the smaller, inset circle to represent him.

Scanning artwork really doesn't show the beautiful impression the ink and the typewriter make on this card stock.  Take my word for it, the real hold-in-you-hand-version is better.

To view more of Annie's work, please visit her website or "Like" her page on Facebook.

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