Friday, February 12, 2010

I Heart Salvation Army

Phone rang.  Wanna go thrifting?  Uh, silly question.  I grabbed my purse and off we went to the Salvation Army in Healdsburg.  It was 50% off day in celebration of St. Valentine and there were throngs of people feeling the love.  The above couch was a mere $25!  I didn't need it, my friend couldn't justify it and so a picture is all we took away with us.  Isn't it awesome?  
This was a very large oil painting priced at $15.  It just took me back to childhood and memories of a spittoon-like vessel that sat on the hearth of our fireplace.  It never held anything as pretty as these flowers, but I think it should have.  It always grossed me out.
This little bit of loveliness was a sideboard w/ attached hutch for a whopping $179.  It's a little too small for my kitchen, but in the realm of what I'm looking for (minus the hutch).  Great legs and mid-century modern design that I so love.  And so the quest continues, but that's half the fun. 

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